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Classes, Workshops and Training

Build resources and skills to support private and professional life

I embrace a cultural orientation that is not limited to transmitting technical information and methods, but rather favors opportunities for the diffusion of values and constructive attitudes aimed at achieving a positive change in the quality of life and working conditions.
The purpose is to help to be. Don't add resources, but bring out your own resources.

All the proposals have an orientation that considers individual transformation as the basis of any positive change in the quality of life and the working environment.
They support individuals to learn more about themselves, to understand their own way of presenting themselves and placing themselves in the system in which they operate, to recognize differences as a resource and relational dynamics as generative complexity. They invite you to reflect on your own internal experience and with others, they offer the possibility of recognizing and enhancing visions of the world different from your own, of precisely identifying real needs and real areas for improvement and highlighting individual resources.

Effective practices of introspective inquiry and somatization to perceive and balance the drives of survival instincts in our daily lives, to recognize reactivity and nourish emotional intelligence, to mitigate internal dialogue and refine intuition allow for complete and transforming learning .

Understanding oneself and having tools that support healthy relationships is necessary for anyone, but it is an essential step for those who work in the helping professions, the professional forms which by their nature must deal with diversity and interpersonal difficulties and which require adequate listening, interpretation, orientation and support skills for the person.

Somatic Movement classes

A space to feel and experience ourselves from within and transform the way we perceive ourselves and move in the world. To refine self-listening and release tensions, pave the way towards natural and effortless fluidity, improve coordination, flexibility, dynamism and ease with oneself and with others.

In classes for everyone each meeting has a theme which can be a movement pattern or a part of the body in functional and qualitative relationships with the other parts and with the different systems (organs, glands, ligaments and muscles, fluids, nervous system) to encourage the reorganization of the movement in the direction of fluidity, ease and functionality. Practical movements, touch, voice and viewing of anatomical images are proposed.

In classes for expectant mothers offer the opportunity to take care of yourself in an important and intense moment of your life and offer support for your child's development. Through maternal movements and his own movement in the womb The baby begins to know his own body, learn where he is in space and lay the foundations for the development of movement, senses and reflexes after birth and pays attention to the mother and to the child in their entirety and individuality.

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Enneagramma Integrale® and Enneagram Institute® workshops

They aim to learn and use the Enneagram accurately, as well as being an opportunity for profound work on self-knowledge.
The Enneagramma Integrale® workshops present the material of over 20 years of study of the Enneagram with the major exponents of the first generation and of personal research.
Enneagram Institute® authorised workshop are licensed by headquarters and provide the same material that faculty present around the world.

Enneagram courses are for you if you want

  • get to know yourself better
  • understand the people in your life
  • identify your real needs
  • recognize internal mental, emotional and perceptual patterns that limit you
  • highlight and activate your resources
  • improve the quality of your relationships
  • recognize what you are looking for and what you really offer in a relationship
  • learn to appreciate the differences
  • know and balance the non-negotiable priorities that cause avoidable conflicts
  • working with fellow travelers to support each other
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Corsi per aziende e organizzazioni

I help companies and organizations that need or desire practical and effective tools to improve the climate of the working environment and develop greater relational, management and decision-making skills
Sostengo individui e squadre a conoscere maggiormente se stessi, a comprendere il proprio modo di porsi e collocarsi nel sistema in cui operano e a valorizzare le differenze.

I corsi sono utili alla tua azienda e organizzazione se hai bisogno che i tuoi dirigenti e leader..

  • riflettano sul loro modo di interpretare la realtà
  • conoscano e gestiscano le proprie emozioni
  • diventino coscienti dell’impatto che hanno su colleghi/e e collaboratori/rici
  • migliorino le competenze relazionali
  • sviluppino maggiore capacità di ascolto
  • acquisiscano una chiave potente per comprendere i punti di forza e le reali difficoltà dei collaboratori/trici
  • comprendano le dinamiche di relazione
  • diventino abili a riconoscere le tematiche di squadra prioritarie su cui portare attenzione
  • sostengano lo sviluppo delle reali abilità e competenze
  • valorizzino le differenze come risorsa
  • riconoscano i punti ciechi e le risorse del proprio stile di leadership
  • si mettano in gioco per sfidare i limiti interiori e nutrire i talenti
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